I had 2 nights without the kids - in the week - I never get this, so I decided to head up to Auckland, I wanted to visit some framers, explore a bit and take lots of photos (of course). I also got to really catch up with 3 of my best friends too - it’s different when it’s just you, no kids (or hubbies)...
I don't use my phone to find my way around places - I like to kind of know my way, learn it, remember it. But after a few dead ends and an accidental crossing of the harbour bridge, I gave in to the fact that google-maps was my friend. I do love getting a little bit lost though - it’s a great way of discovering new places!
So I wanted to capture alternative angles of some Auckland icons - so under the Auckland Harbour Bridge seemed like a good start. Northcote side was restricted but Westhaven Marina offered great views and 3 hours free parking (free parking in central Auckland - I know right?!!).
I was loving the greyness, the windy wild day - as there was kind of no one around. All rugged up with music in my ears I mozied around under the bridge and along by the marina. At one stage I decided to take my earphones out, as I realised it was probably really noisy where I was - and yup, the sound of the traffic above me was so loud, constant, I felt so small underneath this massive, strong, manmade structure - it was quite humbling.
I wanted some pics of the Sky Tower, so I headed towards the CBD, I spotted Victoria Park Market - yes, some old and new. I parked along a side street, and walked along getting close ups of old brick buildings, moss growing, ‘weathered-ness’, I could feel passersby looking at me, probably wondering why I was up so close to the walls taking photos of all the crustiness haha.
Keen for some photos right up under the skytower I headed right into downtown Auckland... the optimistic country-bumpkin in me was just expecting an easy park right beside the skytower - yeah right, haa. Then, as I waited in traffic, stuck for like 2 minutes at some lights - it occurred to me I was literally right under it and that was my free (and easy) park! So I quickly snapped a couple of pics with my big cam and my phone - that was going to be as good as it gets on my trip this time - what a lucky moment.
Friday morning’s plans included visiting a framer, a cuppa date with one of my oldest (as in time, not age!) and bestest friends, followed by one of my most fave places in Auckland - the Wintergardens. It was a perfect day for it too, stormy and cold, 4 seasons in one day actually - typical Auckland weather. There was rain, hail, sunshine, thunder and lightning.
I hung round for hours capturing what I saw, from big graphic views, looking up in these old majestic glasshouses, to the little mossy corners and puddle reflections. I had to drag myself away, as I had a big trip ahead of me to get back and pick up my girls and then head home to Raglan.
I felt inspired, rejuvenated and reconnected.
Thanks Auckland - see you again soon.
PS - the graininess in some of my pics, is a result of me using my manual settings on my digital camera - I’m retraining myself, testing settings, preparations for using my film cameras again! (exciting)
As I've mentioned before, music is a big part of my artistic journey - here is what I was listening to as I captured some of the pics below (seems I was loving the old school music!):
Under the bridge: Tiefschwarz ‘Some people’
Wintergardens: Linkin Park (in dedication, just after Chester Bennington's death) and Goldenhorse (to lift the mood!)
If you want to see more of my journey, buy some of my work or get in touch - links below...
instagram g.design_photo
facebook gdesignprints
email geb@g-design.co.nz
website www.g-design.co.nz
All photos by Geraldine Burns, g. DESIGN ltd Copyright 2017
Taken on 20 / 21 July 2017